Friday, 26 August 2011

Ninaitwa Kirsty. Nimefurahi kukujua.

This week, Dee has been sending me a Swahili word of the day everyday to help us both to learn a few of the useful words and phrases. So far it has been extremely helpful and I look forward to what day will bring what word. Since this started I thought I would look into Swahili with a bit more depth and have managed to unravel the meanings behind a lot of the characters’ names in the Disney classic, and my all time favourite Disney film, The Lion King. Without realising it, thanks to the Lion King, we all know a little bit of Swahili in the phrase/song ‘Hakuna Matata’ which of course means ‘no worries.’ I was fascinated to read that ‘Simba’ is Swahili for ‘Lion’ and ‘Rafiki’ means ‘friend’. And of course, everybody knows what a safari entails but translate it into English and you get ‘journey’.

Here are a few more Swahili words/phrases:

Hello = Jambo / hujambo / Salama
How are you? = Habari gani
Fine (response) = Nzuri
Goodbye = Kwa heri / Kwa herini (more than one person)
See You Later = Tutaonana
Nice to meet you = Nafurahi kukuona
Goodnight = Lala salama

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